PlayStation 4 patch, version 1.06

Hello Games tweeted that the new PS4 patch, version 1.06 is coming later this week and should fix 90% of the crash issues in the game. I know my game hasn’t crashed any since the last patch, version 1.05, so that’s definitely a good sign.

4K Picture Submissions

4KWe have our first 4K screenshot submission from Vitality.
If you have any 4K pictures you want to show off, feel free to submit them. I increased the file size for submissions to 4mb now, so it shouldn’t be a problem to send 4K now. Sorry if anyone tried and wasn’t able to.

Thanks everyone for all the great submissions. Keep them coming.
If you have any cool videos as well posted online somewhere, send me the link. If I think it’s cool, I’ll feature it here on the front page.

We would love to have screenshots from your game. Send them to us by using the Submit Screenshot at the top right of the page, or click the link below.

Submit Screenshot

Great Looking Creatures

no-mans-sky_20160816204859This great looking Mantis type creature was submitted by Jason N. Pretty freaky looking, that’s for sure.

This feathered dinosaur was submitted by our regular Vitality. He keeps sending in great stuff!

Thanks everyone for all the great submissions. Keep them coming.
If you have any cool videos as well posted online somewhere, send me the link. If I think it’s cool, I’ll feature it here on the front page.

We would love to have screenshots from your game. Send them to us by using the Submit Screenshot at the top right of the page, or click the link below.

Submit Screenshot

2 New Submissions

20160817152555_1We have 2 new submissions from Vitality. The first is of a cool looking Starship!
20160817152706_1The second is a shot from the cockpit of that ship showing asteroids and a planet. Very cool looking shot! Thanks for the screenshots Vitality!

We would love to have screenshots from your game. Send them to us by using the Submit Screenshot at the top right of the page, or click the link below.

Submit Screenshot

More Screenshot Submissions

No Man's Sky_20160809103323
This screenshot is sent to us from Leenie Dee of her starting planet named “Yepatunuten”. It’s a nice looking planet!

Alienpendant sent in this photo of a cool planet! Be sure to click his name to go to his YouTube channel and watch his videos on No Man’s Sky.

Nicholas sent in this shot of a fantastic looking creature! Really cool looking!

Vitality submitted this picture of a sweet looking ship! Thanks for sending us that Vitality!

Another cool looking ship! This one is sent to us by Dip.
Thanks for the submissions everyone!

We would love to have screenshots from your game. Send them to us by using the Submit Screenshot at the top right of the page, or click the link below.

Submit Screenshot

2 More Screenshot Submissions

2016-08-15-15.00.01We have 2 new screenshot submissions. The first one is from Richard of his first ship, the “Rusty Bucket”. That’s a nice looking ship.

No Man's Sky_20160815004943Our next screenshot is from Kyle B. of his perfect landing, or as he called it, “Don’t drink and fly.” Nice one Kyle!
Thanks for the submissions everyone!

We would love to have screenshots from your game. Send them to us by using the Submit Screenshot at the top right of the page, or click the link below.

Submit Screenshot

Thanks Everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that has visited this site for the past 3 years. Thank you all!
I first created No Man’s Sky Fan Site in February of 2014. I had been searching Google for fan sites for the game, and couldn’t find any, so I created this site. As far as I know, it was the first fan site for No Man’s Sky. It has gone through many changes over the years before I finally got it to where I wanted it to be. Learning to use WordPress as I go was a challenge, but it’s so much easier to use than the original HTML site I had set up.

Tomorrow is the release day for No Man’s Sky in the United States. Everyone will be getting their PS4 copies and will be playing the game, well, everyone but me that is. By some stupid piece of bad luck, it turns out I won’t be playing the game with everyone else on release date. I ordered my No Man’s Sky Limited Edition through I assumed like most sites that they would ship it early and have it to me on release day, but apparently I was supposed to choose 1 day shipping for that. I didn’t find that out until a few days ago. I did go to my account and try to change my shipping method, but Gamestop wouldn’t let me change it. So, it’s actually a little funny I guess. I create a Fan Site for the game and I don’t even get to play it on release day like everyone else. What a crazy universe we live in!
It appears the information I was told was incorrect. I will be getting my copy of No Man’s Sky on the 9th. I got an E-mail saying it shipped and UPS says it will be delivered on the 9th. I just happen to live a state away from their distribution center, so it won’t take long to get here. Good thing I didn’t pay the extra money for 1 day shipping. It would have been a waste of money. So, I guess I’ll be playing the game on PS4 with everyone else tomorrow.

Thanks again everyone for visiting my site and for reading my post the last 3 years.
If you find anything cool in the game, please send a screenshot of it to me by clicking the SUBMIT SCREENSHOT link at the top right of the page. If I like it, it might get posted in a news article on the site for everyone to see. Plus, it will be added to the gallery as well.


Patrick Cranford

No Man’s Sky Update 1.03

Sean Murray made a post on the official No Man’s Sky website giving patch notes on the new day one patch for the game. There is some interesting stuff listed, some of witch might be considered spoilers, so read at your own risk. They are already working on the next update after that one as well and it will add  the ability to build bases and own giant space freighters. That should be interesting!
Click the link below to go read the notes.