YouTube Channels

If you are looking for a YouTube Channel for videos on No Man’s Sky, then check out Alienpendant. He has some videos on the game right now and will have many more after the game is released.

OP Wanderer is another YouTube personality that will be doing videos on No Man’s Sky after it is released. He currently has some great Fallout 4 videos. Check them out!

I, Petreak, also have a YouTube page called Petreak’s Gaming World. I plan to post videos on No Man’s Sky after release. I don’t have many videos at the moment, but I plan to make more in the near future.

Leenie Dee is another user on this site that started a YouTube channel. She doesn’t have any videos as of yet, but go ahead and subscribe to her anyway because she will have videos after the game is released. Her channel is Leenie Dee’s NMS Discoveries.

If you are a user on this site or our forums and have a YouTube channel you plan to use for No Man’s Sky, let me know and I’ll add you to our list. You can find it in our menu named YouTube Channels.

No Man’s Sky has gone Gold!

Sean Murray tweeted the message and picture shown below. The game has gone Gold. For those people that don’t know, that means the game is ready to be sent off to production to be made into CD’s and such to be released to the public. Not much longer now and we can play the game.NMS-GoneGold