Lawsuit Over No Man’s Sky Name Settled

SeanMurraySE-2015Sean Murray of Hello Games tweeted the following yesterday,

“Yay! We finally settled with Sky (they own the word “Sky”). We can call our game No Man’s Sky. 3 years of secret stupid legal nonsense over.”

Click this LINK to see the tweet for yourself.
I didn’t know someone could own a word like Sky. That’s crazy!

Playstation E3 Press Conference

I just got finished watching the Playstation E3 Press Conference and near the end they showed quick clips from upcoming games. I caught one clip from No Man’s Sky. It looks like a new version of a Korvax alien. Did anyone else catch it? What do you think about it? Leave a comment and give your opinion. I was hoping for a new trailer for the game at least. Maybe we will still get something.E3NMS-Alien
Click the picture for a larger version.