No Man’s Sky Delayed

Sean Murray took to the PlayStation blog today to let the community know that No Man’s Sky is being delayed until August.

“The game really has come together, and it’s such an incredible relief. As we sit an play it now, and as I watch playtesters every day, I can finally let myself get excited. We’re actually doing this. However, as we approached our final deadlines, we realized that some key moments needed extra polish to bring them up to our standards. I have had to make the tough choice to delay the game for a few weeks to allow us to deliver something special.”

If you want to read his entire post, click the link below. No Man’s Sky will launch in North America on August 9th. August 10th in Europe and the UK.

PSN Communities

If you are going to play No Man’s Sky on the PS4, you might consider joining some of the Communities that have been set up by fans. There are quite a few devoted to No Man’s Sky.  The first listed below is affiliated with this site, feel free to join it and any others you might be interested in.

  1. Nomanauts of No Man’s Sky
  2. The Final Frontier  [No Man’s Sky]
  3. No Man’s Sky via Hello Games
  4. No Man’s Sky
  5. No man’s sky boldly go
  6. No Man’s Sky Atlas
  7. No Mans Sky Star Wars Fans
  8. No Man’s Sky Intergalactic Sovereignty (NMSIS)

There are many more, but these are just the few I am part of.
To join a community, use the directions below.
Be logged into your PS4 and do the following.

  1. Select (Friends) from the function screen.
  2. Select (Communities).
  3. Select [Discover Communities].
  4. Pick the Search Option.
  5. Type in the name you are looking for.
  6. Select the Community that you want to join.
  7. Select [Join Community] or [Request Membership].
    If you select [Request Membership], you can join after the Community owner or moderator approves your request.